08:30 - 09:00 Registrations
09:00 - 10:00 Opening ceremony
10:00 - 12:00 Keynote Speeches
10:00 – 11:00 Keynote Speech 1 – Inspections and structural condition assessment of bridges: The role of ambient vibration testing and continuous monitoring
Carmelo Gentile, Professor of Structural Engineering DABC, Politecnico di Milano, Italy11:00 – 12:00 Keynote Speech 2 – Big satellite data for ground deformation assessment at global scale
Charalampos (Haris) Kontoes, Research Director, National Observatory of Athens, Greece
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 14:30 Oral Presentations 1.1 - QC/QA and optimization techniques in deformation analysis
Session 1.1 – QC/QA and optimization techniques in deformation analysis
Chairs: Wolfgang Niemeier, Günther RetscherStrategies and methods for multi-epoch deformation analysis with geodetic networks [p.84]
Wolfgang Niemeier, Hiddo Velsink
Evaluating the performance of a space- and time-continuous deformation models [p.59]
Corinna Harmening, Hans Neuner
Single point adjustment within existing networks by means of the repro-BLE [p.107]
Burkhard Schaffrin, Cuiping Guo
Impact of mathematical correlations on the statistic of the congruency test case study: B-splines surface approximation from bridge observations [p.71]
Gael Kermarrec, Johannes Bureick, Hamza Alkhatib
Accuracy of Msplit estimates in the context of vertical displacement analysis [p.122]
Patrycja Wyszkowska, Robert Duchnowski
Towards a More Rigorous Error Propagation Within the Errors-In-Variables Model for Geodetic Applications [p.106]
Burkhard Schaffrin, Kyle Snow13:00 - 14:30 Oral Presentations 1.2 - New concepts for GNSS-based monitoring
Session 1.2 – New concepts for GNSS-based monitoring
Chairs: Volker Schwieger, Michael GianniouReducing Multipath Effect of Low-Cost GNSS Receivers for Monitoring by Considering Temporal Correlations [p.128]
Li Zhang, Volker Schwieger
Modelling antenna vibrations using the signal-to-noise ratio (snr) of GNSS signals [p.97]
Ioulia Peppa, Panos Psimoulis, Xiaolin Meng
On the Improvement of Precise Point Positioning augmented with tropospheric ZWD using CORS networks applied to bridge monitoring [p.139]
Xu Tang, Craig Matthew Hancock, Gethin Wyn Roberts, Shuanggen Jin, Huib de Ligt
Investigating the ability of high-rate GNSS-PPP for determining the vibration modes of engineering structures: small scale model experiment [p.139]
Cemal Ozer Yigit, Ahmet Anil Dindar, Ahmed El-Mowafy, Mert Bezcioglu, Vassilis Gikas
Distance Limitations when using CORS Networks and GNSS Receivers for Deformation Monitoring [p.139]
Nikolaos Kanellopoulos, Georgios Pantazis, Evangelia Lambrou
Predicting displacement deformation of bridge based on CEEMDAN-KELM model using GNSS monitoring data [p.46]
Qian Fan, Xiaolin Meng, Dinh Tung Nguyen, Yilin Xie, Jiayong Yu
14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 - 16:30 Oral Presentations 1.3 - Point cloud-based space-temporal deformations - I
Session 1.3 – Point cloud-based space-temporal deformations – I
Chairs: Heiner Kuhlmann, Vassilios PagounisRobust feature-based correspondence search for point-cloud-based deformation monitoring [p.56]
Zan Gojcic, Caifa Zhou, Andreas Wieser
Analyzing shape deformation and rigid body movement of structures using commonly misaligned terrestrial laser scanners: the radio telescope case [p.65]
Christoph Holst, Tomislav Medic, Axel Nothnagel, Heiner Kuhlmann
Terrestrial Laser Scanning time series for landslide advanced analysis [p.98]
Julien Point, Jean-Philippe Malet, Mathilde Desrues, Ryan Kromer, Gilbert Ferhat
Deformation monitoring of noise barriers with profile laser scanning [p.108]
Florian Schill, Andreas Eichhorn
Geodetic surface based methods for structural analysis during construction phase [p.109]
Claudius Schmitt, Hans Neuner, Benjamin Kromoser
Influence of atmospheric refraction on terrestrial laser scanning at long range [p.48]
Ephraim Friedli, Robert Presl, Andreas Wieser15:00 - 16:30 Oral Presentations 1.4 - Reference frames and geodynamics - I
Session 1.4 – Reference frames and geodynamics – I
Chairs: Demitris Delikaraoglou, Vassilios AndritsanosInput for intra-frame velocity models for the U.S. N.S.R.S. in 2022 [p.104]
Daniel Roman
Deformation detection through the realization of reference frames [p.91]
Nestoras Papadopoulos, Melissinos Paraskevas, Katsafados Ioannis, Nikolaidis Georgios, Anagnwstou Eyaggelos
Kobe earthquake monitoring – real time geodetic networking [p.63]
Hiroyuki Hasegawa, Jan De Turck, Yoshihiro Ueda
Analysis of deformations after the Bodrum-Kos earthquake (July 20, 2017 Mw6.6) using Geosensors data [p.32]
Duygu Akyürek, Serdar Erol, İrem Köz, Bihter Erol
Geohazard Detection Based on High-Precision Estimates of the Instantaneous Velocity of Autonomous GNSS Stations [p.64]
Roland Hohensinn, Alain Geiger
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break
17:00 - 18:30 Oral Presentations 1.5 - Vibration monitoring and dynamics
Session 1.5 – Vibration monitoring and dynamics
Chairs: Xiaolin Meng, Panos PsimoulisRTS measurement of aeroelastic effects on a 30m-high historical industrial chimney [p.114]
Stathis Stiros, Vasso Saltogianni, Dimitra Founda
Bootstrap tests for model selection in robust vibration analysis of oscillating structures [p.87]
Boris Kargoll, Mohammad Omidalizarandi, Jens-André Paffenholz, Ingo Neumann, Gaël Kermarrec, Hamza Alkhatib
Detection of structural vibration with high-rate GNSS Precise Point Positioning – methodology and case study results [p.96]
Jacek Paziewski, Pawel Wielgosz, Rafal Sieradzki, Radoslaw Baryla
Multi-GNSS implementation and assessment of the phase residual method for structures dynamic load and natural frequency estimation [p.77]
Marco Mendonca, Emerson P. Cavalheri, Ana P. Larocca, Marcelo C. Santos
Experimental validation of a prototype photonic Phase Optical Time Domain Reflectometer for SHM in large-scale infrastructures [p.47]
Massimo Leonardo Filograno, George Piniotis, Vassilis Gikas, Vassilis Papavassiliou, Charis Gantes, Maria Kandyla, Christos Riziotis
Introduction to the New Monitoring System for Long-span Bridges – from GeoSHM to iSHM [p.78]
Xiaolin Meng, Yilin Xie, Dinh Tung Nguyen, John S. Owen, Panos Psimoulis, George Ye, Laiyi Wu, Shuguo Pan, Jun Qian, Paul Bhatia, Yangjun Xu17:00 - 18:30 Oral Presentations 1.6 - Ground and spaceborne radar – I
Session – Ground and spaceborne radar – I
Chairs: Charles Toth, Georgios PantazisUrban deformation monitoring using Sentinel-1 SAR data: a case study [p.40]
Michele Crosetto, Oriol Monserrat, María Cuevas-González, Anna Barra, Vrinda Krishnakumar, Bruno Crippa
Fast-moving landslides mapping contribution using Sentinel-2 satellite images [p.95]
Issaak Parcharidis, Constantinos Loupasakis, Ioannis Gougoustamos
Analysis of two decades of SAR data for measuring ground deformation in wider Athens, Greece [p.93]
Ioannis Papoutsis, Charalampos Kontoes, Demitrios Paradissis
Multi-station Ground-based Real-aperture Radar for quasi-static Deformation Measurement [p.105]
Marco Scaioni, Mattia Manieri, Eufemia Tarantino
Multi-temporal InSAR analysis for monitoring ground deformation in Amorgos island, Greece [p.33]
Stavroula Alatza, Ioannis Papoutsis, Demitris Paradissis, Charalampos Kontoes
19:30 Welcome cocktail
09:00 - 10:30 Oral Presentations 2.1 - Monitoring of cultural heritage
Session – Monitoring of cultural heritage
Chairs: Konstantinos Tokmakidis, Dionysios BalodimosMultispectral monitoring of the successive phases of the Holy Aedicule rehabilitation [p.81]
Antonia Moropoulou, Andreas Georgopoulos, Evangelia Lambrou, George Pantazis, Sofia Soile, Sevasti Tapeinaki, Elisavet Tsilimantou, Kyriakos Labropoulos
The significance of 3D network adjustment by using different least squares methods for the constructions’ monitoring application on the monitoring network of the Holy Aedicule in Jerusalem [p.126]
Dimitrios Zachos, George Pantazis, Evangelia Lambrou
100 Years of Geodetic Measurements in the Piazza del Duomo (Pisa, Italy): Reference Systems, Data Comparability and Geotechnical Monitoring [p.38]
Gabriella Caroti, Andrea Piemonte,Nunziante Squeglia
Geodetic Monitoring and Structural Analysis on the Great Temple of Yeha, Ethiopia [p.76]
Klaus Mechelke, Simeon Burkhardt, Gerhard Eisele, Marcus Illguth, Mike Schnelle, Harald Sternberg09:00 - 10:30 Oral Presentations 2.2 - Deformation monitoring for construction engineering
Session 2.2 – Deformation monitoring for construction engineering
Chairs: Alessandro Capra, Andrea MasieroStatic and dynamic soil – structure interaction during the construction and operation of retaining structures and underground projects [p.100]
Prodromos Psarropoulos
A methodology for correcting refraction in vertical angles for precise monitoring in tunnels [p.85]
Konstantinos Nikolitsas, Evangelia Lambrou
Development and research of the methods for analysis of geodetic monitoring results for the subway tunnels [p.112]
Roman Shults
Geodetic monitoring of displacements and deformations for assestment of effect from suspend of exploitation of Pernik mines [p.68]
Ivan Kaltchev, Maria Kaltcheva
Re-discovering “big data” and “data science” in geodesy and geomatics [p.45]
Ioannis D. Doukas
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 Session 2.3 - Bridge monitoring - I
Session 2.3 – Bridge monitoring – I
Chairs: Gethin Wyn Roberts, Prodromos PsarropoulosBridge Monitoring & Assessment via OSMOS Optical Strands [p.39]
François-Baptiste Cartiaux, Sofia Koutsonika, Georgios Andrikopoulos, Patrice Marc Pelletier
Long-term Monitoring of a Multi-span Beam Bridge Using a Network of Digital Inclinometers: First Results and Perspectives [p.55]
Vassilis Gikas, Athanasios Mpimis, George Piniotis, Harris Perakis, Fanis Papadimitriou, Kostas Drimeris, Panos Sotiriou
Application of a Bayesian-based Neural Network on SHM of long-span bridges [p.83]
Dinh Tung Nguyen, Xiaolin Meng, John Owen, Yilin Xie, Panagiotis Psimoulis, George Ye
Assessment of bridges on the “Demir Kapija-Smokvica“ motorway section
on Pan-European Corridor X using loading test [p.34]
Toni Arangjelovski, Darko Nakov, Simona Bogoevska, Marija Docevska, Tilemachos Tsiknias, Goran Markovski
Performance analysis of bridge monitoring with the integrated GPS, BDS and GLONASS [p.123]
Ruijie Xi, Xiaolin Meng, Weiping Jiang, Qiyi He, Xiangdong An11:00 - 12:30 Session 2.4 - Reference frames and geodynamics - II
Session 2.4 – Reference frames and geodynamics – II
Chairs: Daniel Roman, Christos PikridasThe ups and downs of coast regions: The implications of vertical land motion on coastal hazards [p.43]
Paul H. Denys, Rob G. Bell, John Hannah, Chris F. Pearson
On the role of the length of GPS time-series in the accuracy of tectonic velocities’ estimation: Examples from the HEPOS network [p.54]
Michail Gianniou, Eleni Mitropoulou, Dimitrios Mastoris
Recent Surface Deformation along the Carmel-Gilboa Fault System, Israel [p.49]
Gilad Even-Tzur, Jörg Reinking
Calculating a geoid model for Greece using gravity and GPS observations [p.92]
Nestoras Papadopoulos, Melissinos Paraskevas, Ioannis Katsafados, Georgios Nikolaidis
A model of vertical land movements along the German coast based on a combined solution of GNSS and InSAR data [p.116]
Dieter Tengen, Anika Riedel, Björn Riedel, Wolfgang Niemeier, Markus Gerke
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 15:00 - Sponsors Presentations
Chairs: Andreas Georgopoulos, Gilbert FerhatNon-intrusive technologies and solutions for Monitoring and Digital Reality models
Marco Di Mauro, Monitoring and Control Segment Manager, Leica Geosystems Ltd
Interoperability tools for deformation monitoring from UAS to road network change detection
Dimitris Stefanakis, CΕΟ & Co-founder, UcanDrone PC, Greece
Infrastructure Assessment, Monitoring and Management under the heavy maintenance of Olympia Odos Concession Project
Michalis Bartzis, Alexandra Mavroeidi, Engineering Geologist, Olympia Odos, Greece
OSMOS Integrated Monitoring Solutions
Arnaud Surpas, OSMOS Hellas SA, Greece
Structural health monitoring-an essential tool in the maintenance strategy of the Rion-Antirion Bridge
Akis Panagis, GEFYRA S.A., Greece
Rheticus®: Monitoring from space geological transformations of earth surface for detecting instabilities of critical infrastructure
Yiota Spastra, Planetek Hellas E.P.E., Greece
Deformation monitoring using Laser Scanners. OPSIS, a unique solution for leaving no spot unattended
George Papastamos, Moniterra Ltd, Engineering Instrumentation & Monitoring, Cyprus
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00 Oral Presentations 2.5 - Multi-sensor systems and new concepts for deformation measurements - I
Session 2.5 – Multi-sensor systems and new concepts for deformation measurements – I
Chairs: Werner Lienhart, Evangelia LambrouBenefits of strain and temperature monitoring of conventional tunnel cross sections using distributed fibre optic sensors [p.37]
Fabian Buchmayer, Christoph Martin Monsberger, Werner Lienhart
Sensor noise characteristics and error propagation: An educational approach based on collocated MEMS accelerometers [p.113]
Stathis Stiros, Georgia Fotopoulou, Christodoulos Glaros
A methodology for WSN deployment in 2D large-scale constraining environments, using computational geometry algorithms [p.66]
Athanasios Iliodromitis, Georgios Pantazis, Vassilios Vescoukis, Evangelia Lambrou
Fast track seismic assessment protocol based on a low cost structural health monitoring system [p.41]
Spyros Damikoukas, Stavros Chatzieleftheriou, Nikos D. Lagaros
Temporal and Spatial Analysis of GNSS network data for detection of anomalies [p.57]
Mohammed Habboub, Panos Psimoulis, Richard Bingley15:30 - 17:00 Oral Presentations 2.6 - Dam monitoring
Session 2.6 – Dam monitoring
Chairs: Maria João Henriques, Jens-André PaffenholzAutomatic follow-up of the tri-directional displacements of the Sainte-Croix arch dam (Verdon – France) by motorized total station [p.36]
Rémy Boudon, Simon Blin, Emilie Pons, Aurélie Ajzenberg
Investigation of the relationship between rainfall and long-term settlements of earthfill dams based on geodetic measurements: the case of Pournari I dam (Greece) [p.127]
Niloufar Zanganehazadabadi, Stella Pytharouli, Panagiotis Michalis
Polyphyton Dam: Monitoring of the Right Abutment Slide [p.102]
Spyridon Raftopoulos
Adaptive parametric identification in dam monitoring by Kalman filtering [p.50]
Sonja Gamse, Wan-Huan Zhou
19:30 Dinner
09:00 - 10:30 Oral Presentations 3.1 - UAV for change detection and deformation monitoring
Session 3.1 – UAV for change detection and deformation monitoring
Chairs: Charalabos Ioannidis, Stella PytharouliSmall and low-cost navigation system for UAV-based emergency disaster response applications [p.51]
Yang Gao, Zhitao Lyu, Hamid Assilzadeh, Yang Jiang
Low cost UAV and image classification for monitoring the deterioration on building façades [p.75]
Andrea Masiero, Francesca Fissore, Antonio Vettore
Multitemporal Surface Deformation Analysis of Amyntaio Slide (Greece) using Remotely Piloted Airborne System and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry [p.119]
Emmanuel Vassilakis, Michael Foumelis, Athanasia Erkeki, Evelina Kotsi, Issaak Parcharidis, Efthymios Lekkas
On the UAV based Analysis of Slow Geomorphological Processes: A Case Study at a Solifluction Lobe in the Turtmann Valley [p.72]
Lasse Klingbeil, Erik Heinz, Markus Wieland, Jana Eichel, Thomas Läbe, Heiner Kuhlmann
Estimating Climate Change-based Soil Loss Using Erosion Models and UAV Imagery in the Metsovo Mountain Region [p.80]
Loukas-Moysis Misthos, Lefkothea Papada, George Panagiotopoulos, Nikos Gakis, Dimitris Kaliampakos
Photo surveys with drones. The improvement of OSOM+, the systematic monitoring of maritime works programme [p.62]
Maria Henriques, Rui Capitão, Conceição Fortes, Rute Lemos, Teresa Reis, Hugo Silva09:00 - 10:30 Oral Presentations 3.2 - Ground and spaceborne radar – II
Session 3.2 – Ground and spaceborne radar – II
Chairs: Michele Crosetto, Chris DanezisModeling and Monitoring of an Exploited Aquifer System in Northern Baja California, Mexico [p.110]
Christine Schottmüller, Anika Riedel, Björn Riedel, Markus Gerke, Wolfgang Niemeier
Multi-track N-SBAS Sentinel-1 Interferometry focused on opencast mine monitoring: The case study of the Ptolemaida-Florina coal mine in Greece [p.70]
Kleanthis Karamvasis, Vassilia Karathanassi
Monitoring ground deformation using Sentinel-1 PSInSAR and RTS measurements in the context of the Grand Paris Express project [p.82]
Abdeljalil Nahli, Elisabeth Simonetto, Maxime Tatin, Stéphane Durand, Laurent Morel, Vincent Lamour
Introduction to IBIS-ArcSAR: a circular scanning GB-SAR system for deformation monitoring [p.79]
Alberto Michelini, Federico Viviani, Lorenzo Mayer
The contribution of Sentinel-1 DInSAR to the determination of vertical deformation and height system monitoring [p.117]
Natasa Triantafyllou, Georgios Vergos, Ilias Tziavos
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 Oral Presentations 3.3 - Multi-sensor systems and new concepts for deformation measurements - II
Session 3.3 – Multi-sensor systems and new concepts for deformation measurements – II
Chairs: Hans Neuner, Maria TsakiriThe 4th industrial revolution, how Monitoring and Risk Management in constructions is changing in the digital era [p.44]
Marco Di Mauro
A quick tool for the prediction of tunnel crown displacement using neural networks
Spyros Nsubuga, Maria Tsakiri, Vasiliki Georgiannou [p.86]
Deflection Monitoring and frequency response of a Ship using GPS and Fibre Optic based sensors [p.103]
Gethin Wyn Roberts, Craig Matthew Hancock, Ferdinand Klug, Werner Lienhart, Niko Zuzek, Huib de ligt
Machine learning meets deformation monitoring [p.88]
Tomasz Owerko, Szymon Walasik, Wojciech Karaś
The use of geodetic techniques in stability monitoring of floating structures [p.125]
Vangelis Zacharis, Sotiria Dimitrellou, Konstantinos Politis, George Livanos, Vassilios Pagounis, Orthodoxia Arabatzi, Maria Tsakiri
Evaluation of the application of radar and geodetic measurements in the monitoring of earth-filled structures [p.73]
Przemyslaw Kuras, Lukasz Ortyl, Tomasz Owerko, Aleksandra Borecka11:00 - 12:30 Oral Presentations 3.4 - Monitoring of geohazards
Session 3.4 – Monitoring of geohazards
Chairs: Marco Scaioni, Ioannis DoukasCyCLOPS: A Novel Strategic Research Infrastructure Unit for Continuous Integrated Spaced-based Monitoring of Geohazards [p.42]
Chris Danezis, Diofantos Hadjimitsis, Michael Eineder, Ramon Brcic, Athos Agapiou, Kyriacos Themistocleous, Evangelos Mendonidis, Marios Tzouvaras, Kleopas Hadjicharalambous, Sylvana Pilidou, Georgia Papathoma, Nana Mythilou, George Constantinou, Christiana Papoutsa, Marios Nikolaidis, Andreas Christofe
Establishment of a multi-purpose 3D geodetic reference frame for deformation monitoring in Cortes de Pallas (Spain) [p.52]
Luis García-Asenjo, Laura Martínez, Sergio Baselga, Pascual Garrigues
Ground Deformation Monitoring Techniques at Continuous Surface Lignite Mines [p.99]
Anthony Prokos, Christos Roumpos
Monitoring of Tempi Valley Critical Rock Masses: Establishment of Special Monitoring Network and Procedures in Aegean Motorway S.A. Concession Project [p.67]
Kostas Kalogirou, Efstratios Iliaskos
Sentinel -1 for geohazards monitoring [p.35]
Anna Barra, Oriol Monserrat, Lorenzo Solari, Marta Bejar-Pizarro, Michele Crosetto, Gerardo Herrera, Elena Gonzales-Alonzo, Roberto Sarro, Silvia Bianchini
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 15:00 Oral Presentations 3.5 - Point cloud-based space-temporal deformations - ΙΙ
Session 3.5 – Point cloud-based space-temporal deformations – ΙΙ
Chairs: Andreas Wieser, Antonio VettoreNon-signalized Structural Monitoring using Scanning Total Stations [p.101]
Lukas Raffl, Wolfgang Wiedemann, Thomas Wunderlich
Numerical structural identification using 3D laser scanning – a simulation-based case study [p.111]
Eugenio Serantoni, Andreas Wieser
Random Sample Consensus vs Neural Network Analysis (RANSAC vs NNA) – a comparative evaluation on TLS point clouds [p.74]
Konstantinos Lakakis, Konstantinos Tokmakidis, Alexandros Naskos
Axial tomography as a tool for the estimation of constructions’ deformations [p.53]
George Georgopoulos, Elisavet Telioni, George Antoniou, Efstathia Diakoumi
Large-volume photogrammetric deformation monitoring of the Bremen Cog [p.60]
Heidi Hastedt, Thomas Luhmann, Amandine Colson
Monitoring the planarity and subsidence of a motorway using kinematic laser scanning [p.61]
Erik Heinz, Christian Eling, Lasse Klingbeil, Heiner Kuhlmann13:30 - 15:00 Oral Presentations 3.6 - Bridge monitoring - II
Session 3.6 – Bridge monitoring – II
Chairs: Stathis Stiros, Rémy BoudonIdentifying bridge deformation using laser scanning data [p.118]
Linh Truong-Hong, Roderik Lindenbergh
Spatio-temporal monitoring of a bridge based on 3D point clouds – A comparison among several deformation measurement approaches [p.89]
Jens-André Paffenholz, Daniel Wujanz
Diagnostic surveys of displacements of a rotating pedestrian bridge during its movement [p.120]
Ireneusz Wyczałek, Michał Wyczałek, Elżbieta Wyczałek
Monitoring of the static and dynamic displacements of railway bridges with the use of the total station and set of the electronic inclinometers [p.121]
Ireneusz Wyczałek, Piotr Olaszek, Damian Sala, Marek Kokot15:00 - 16:00 Keynote Speech
Keynote Speech 3 – How research and technology convergence is shifting the deformation monitoring paradigm
Chairs: Andreas Wieser, Vassilis Gikas
Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, Lowber B. Strange Endowed Chair, Professor, Associate Dean for Research, The Ohio State University, Colombus, United States
16:00 Closing of the Conference - Awards - Closing Ceremony
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